Monday, April 4, 2011

Paper Clip Tutorial

this is tutorial how to make paper clips using crochet flower.
it is really fun to make...=) plus, it's so easy to make...
let's start the tutorial...

1) The things that you will need:
hot glue
paper clips
felt(cut into circle shape)
crochet flower

2) put the hot glue and stick the paper clips on the crochet flower.

3) Then, put more hot glue on the felt and paste it to the flower to cover the paper clip.

4) Lastly, you can put button to decorate your paper clip.. and you're done.... =)


you can make it as a gift...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

new stuff

i got myself new fun stuff from Daiso...
wee...i'm so happy....
felt, earings display and crochet hook

saya suka masuk kedai Daiso sebab barang dia cute2 dan unik2.... Tapi saya tak berapa suka harganya.... sebab semua RM5.. some of the items really dun worth to buy... kalau nak beli brg kat Daiso, kena fikir dulu, bebaloi ke tak nak beli benda yg kecik2 dengan harga RM5 padahal boleh dapat kat kedai biasa dlm RM2-RM3 jer... so, kalau shoping kat Daiso tu, jangan la nak angkut semua barang walaupun nampak cute jer...semua geram2 tengok... hehehe.... felt yg saya beli ni agak besar la utk 1 gulung tu(60cmx70cm)...rasanyer berbaloi kot...ehehehe....


crochet flower...
nice for brooch, hairclips and etc...
wanna try one?
click link below the pictures....

Radiant Crochet Flower

happy crochet everyone....=)